Chemical Technologies and Engineering |Химические технологии и инженерия



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Chemical Technologies - A


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The Articles: Артикли

Conversion of methane to syngas using a chemical-looping concept is a novel method for syngas generation. 

a few


The Adjective: Имя прилагательное

Because of its efficiency, this low-energy process can be run using only a few volts of electricity, sunlight and a whole lot of carbon dioxide.

a great deal of


Adverbs: Наречия

Among the Earth’s blanket of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is the one you probably hear about most often, because it is being increased in the atmosphere as we burn a great deal of coal, oil, and gas for energy.

a little


Adverbs: Наречия

A little more than 50 years ago Pfeiffer noted that the more active a chiral drug was, the less active its enantiomer was.

a lot of


Adverbs: Наречия


Tetracyclines are considered safe antibiotics with a lot of favorable properties such as broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, low toxicity, and low cost.


о, об; насчёт;
вокруг чего-л. вокруг, кругом;


Prepositions: Предлоги


Subsequent calculations demonstrated the high energy barrier for such a concerted shift, ultimately leading to the finding of the before-mentioned polar radical pair pathway which is about 8 kcal/mol lower in energy.


над; выше;

свыше, больше;

раньше, до;

Prepositions: Предлоги


For a liquid to be considered flammable, it needs to evaporate quickly so that enough vapors can form above the surface of the liquid to support combustion.


соответственно; в соответствии;
таким образом; следовательно; поэтомy;

Adverbs: Наречия


Accordingly, there seems to be a need for a document that describes the hazards of a chemical in a manner more useful for teachers and their students.



сквозь, через;


Prepositions: Предлоги


Metalenses, which can be less than a millimeter across, perform one or more of the same functions as well as, or better than, their conventional counterparts.



за, позади;

после, через, спустя;

Prepositions: Предлоги


After a decade-long search, the researchers achieved their goal with cimetidine. It represented a new class of drugs and a new approach to developing them.




Prepositions: Предлоги


Recent reports of chemical weapons attacks in the Middle East underscore the urgent need for new ways to guard against their toxic effects.


тому назад; давно;


Adverbs: Наречия


Graphene has been hailed as a wonder material since it was first made more than a decade ago.



весь, вся, всё, все;

всякий, всевозможный;

Pronouns: Местоимения


Organic chemists at all levels are generally employed by pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical, consumer product, and petroleum industries.


вдоль, по;

Prepositions: Предлоги


Knowledge of sediment organic matter and nutrients along rivers is beneficial for developing the management strategies.


хотя, если бы даже; несмотря на то, чтo;

The Conjunctions: Союзы


Although the metal does lighten skin, dark spots and even acne, research has shown that the silvery liquid can cause a number of health problems, including lower cognitive functioning, kidney damage, headaches, fatigue, hand tremors, depression and other symptoms.




посреди, среди, между;

из числа, в числе;

у, среди;

Prepositions: Предлоги

Lead and cadmium are among the most abundant heavy metals and are particularly toxic.


The Articles: Артикли

Pharmaceutical and chemical companies played an important role in solving the problems inherent in scaling up submerged fermentation from a pilot plant to a manufacturing scale.



а, но;

The Conjunctions:

Сочинительные союзы

CO2 is an important greenhouse gas, and along with water vapor, keeps the Earth warm enough to support life as we know it.


ещё один;

другой, отличный;

новый, ещё один, похожий;

Indefinite Pronouns: Неопределенные местоимения

The name "nylon" intended to be a generic designation of a class of polymers, became another word for stockings.


какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никакой (в отриц. предл.);

всякий, любой (в утверд. предл.);

Indefinite Pronouns: Неопределенные местоимения

As an integral part of any laboratory work, you must identify the hazardous or potentially hazardous properties of all chemicals used or produced in your laboratory.


кто-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никто (в отриц. предл.);

любой (в утверд. предл.);

Indefinite Pronouns: Неопределенные местоимения

The molecule rezzer, named Orac, is a tool that anybody can use to easily create molecules.


кто-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никто (в отриц. предл.)
любой, всякий (в утверд. предл.)

Indefinite Pronouns: Неопределенные местоимения

Anyone working in or entering the laboratory should be able to understand the control measures that have been identified for the hazards.


что-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); ничто (в отриц. предл.);

что угодно, всё (в утверд. предл.);

Indefinite Pronouns: Неопределенные местоимения

Chemists sometimes refer to matter as 'stuff', and indeed so it is. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.


где-нибудь, куда-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никуда (в отриц. предл.);

где угодно, везде, куда угодно (в утверд. предл.);

Adverbs: Наречия 

Radionuclides can be detected anywhere in the body by an imaging method called positron emission tomography (PET).



оказываться; появляться;


Link-Verbs: Глаголы-связки  

Fluorescent materials absorb the UV light and reemit it as visible light. In darkness, UV fluorescent objects appear to glow when exposed to black light.



The verb Be: Present Simple. Спряжение глагола to be (am, is are) 

Antibiotics are compounds produced by bacteria and fungi which are capable of killing, or inhibiting, competing microbial species.


The verb Be: Present Simple. Спряжение глагола to be (am, is are) сокр. разг. = are not  

The announcement followed several years of warnings that current antibiotics aren’t diverse enough to fight pathogens as drug resistance spreads.



по; за; около;


всюду, кругом;

вблизи; поблизости;

1. Prepositions: Предлоги

2. Adverbs: Наречия

Analysis of the slag present on the interior of the crucible shows high amounts of zinc oxide (ZnO) and iron oxide (FeO) at around 20% weight each, as well as a significant content of lime (CaO).

These measures focused mainly on the construction of engineering and geochemical barriers around the local hot spots to reduce groundwater fluxes to the river network.


какой, который;



как например;



в то время как;

так как;


1. Prepositions: Предлоги

2. Adverbs: Наречия

3. The Conjunctions: Союзы

The introduction of penicillin in the 1940s, which began the era of antibiotics, has been recognized as one of the greatest advances in therapeutic medicine.

Besides carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases include water vapor, methane (natural gas), nitrous oxide (from fertilizer use), and chlorine- and fluorine-containing gases used in air conditioning units and as solvents.

As publicity concerning this new "miracle drug" began to reach the public, the demand for penicillin increased.

as long as

так долго как;



до тех пор;

Adverb: Наречие

The researchers strung together three links in a chain about as long as a silk fiber is wide. One segment was a polymer, and two were magnetic, metallic nanowires.

as though

как будто;


как если бы;

The Conjunctions: Союзы 

As though the yields may be slightly less in diimide method, the method was still found to be economical, highly effective with simple operating procedure.




при; у;


Prepositions: Предлоги

Crucibles with sediment were weighed and then combusted at 250°C for 16 hours in a temperature-monitored muffle furnace.