Information Security, Radio electronics and Telecommunications

|Інформаційна безпека, радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації (IIБРТ)


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English Only!

Speaking! |Mовлення, говорити!

Oral summary rendering of the text is a must! | Усний стислий переказ тексту

Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!
|Усний стислий переказ тексту
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Listen and Pronounce! |Слухати і Bимовляти!

Train the Pronunciation, memorize Phrases and  Summary rendering of the Article of the Day!
Тренуйте вимову, запам’ятовуйте  Фрази та стислий переказ тексту Cатті дня!:

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|Введіть ваш текст, виберіть голос і натисніть кнопку «Play», щоб прослухати.

Read, memorize Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary and write a review of what you read.

Прочитати, запам’яти Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary і написати відгук на прочитане.

Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!

English Only!

How to...

Final Test paper |Контрольна робота випускного іспиту.

#3 Exam Task Sample  |Приклад екзаменаційнго завдання №3
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(Фамилия. Группа.  Фамилия преподавателя - это имя фото)
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#2 Exam Task |Eкзаменаційнe завдання №2
Graduate Exam
Specialty Topics | Tеми випускного іспиту за фахом
Oral summary rendering of the text is a must! |Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |
English Only! Тільки англійська!
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#1 Exam Task |Eкзаменаційнe завдання №1
Specialty Text Summarizing 
|Складання анотації, короткого викладу тексту за фахом
Make Test results photo. |Сделайте фото результатов теста
(Фамилия. Группа.  Фамилия преподавателя - это имя фото)
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Explore Graduate Exam Topics | Ознайомтеся з темами випускного іспиту


Talk about the topic concepts (100 words).
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English Only!
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©Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.
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Topics for the Graduate Exam

122 Computer science
Specialization: Information technologies of global and local computer networks

Software industry. 
The importance of system software for computer operation. 
What do we need the operating system for? 
A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
The development of Windows versions 
Antivirus programs.
The evolution of operating system. 
Device drivers. 
History of kernel development. 
History of programming.
Quality and reliability of software.
History of computer software.   
Trusted operating systems.
The invention and development of operating systems.
What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?
The development of Windows versions.
LINUX embedded devices-smart phones, mobile phones, digital video recorder etc.
What is Word processing.
The evolution of operating system.
Systems programming as the activity of programming system software.

125 Cyber security

Concept of “Privacy”.
Various security techniques.
Different approaches to secrecy and their defects.
Information protection systems.
Technical basis of information protection in modern computer systems.
An isolated virtual machine.
Different protection mechanisms.
Passwords and their drawbacks.
Functions of firewalls.
Software firewall.
The differences between a software and hardware firewall.   
Hardware firewall.
Authentication mechanisms.
Authority check.
The authentication of a user's claimed identity.
The Essentials of Information Protection.
Password as a general technique of secrecy.
Protection schemes.
Potential security violations.
Principles of information protection.

171 Electronics

Universal Radios.
Third – Generation Wireless Technology.
CMOS Process Technology.
SiGe BICMOS Process.
New Era in Semiconductors.
Semiconductor Devices. 
Semiconductor Industry
Solid-State Circuits Conference.
Consumer Electronics.
Semiconductor Manufacturers.
Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor (DSP).
Multimedia Video Processor (MVP).
Semiconductor Industry.
Integrated Circuits Products.
Lithography Tools.
Reticule Enhancements.
Next generation of Lithography Tools.
Age of the Transistors.
New Materials of Transistors.
Light Emitting Diodes.

172 Telecommunications and radio engineering

Cable television.
Benefits of Satellite TV.
Early radio development.
Commercial use of radio.
First radio speeches.
Turning the DTV signal.
The new advancement of color Television.
Radio equipment helping to save on bills.
Development of television in your home country.
The major differences in a monochrome television and a color television receiver.
Cable television.
Benefits of Satellite TV.
Early radio development.
Commercial use of radio.
First radio speeches.
Turning the DTV signal.
The new advancement of color Television.
Radio equipment helping to save on bills.
Development of television in your home country.
The major differences in a monochrome television and a color television receiver.



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Створення аудіозапису переказа текстa є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must. 100 words of the text only, not more!

Specialty Topics

Радиоэлектронные аппараты |Radio electronic equipment

Analog electronic devices; Аналоговые электронные устройства;
Generation and signal conditioning; Генерирования и формирования сигналов;
Information radio technologies; Информационные радиотехнологии;
Microprocessor-based systems; Микропроцессорные системы;
Fundamentals of circuit theory; Основы теории цепей;
Reception and signal processing; Прием и обработка сигналов;
Radio electronic systems; Радиоэлектронные комплексы;
Radio transmitters; Радиопередающие устройства;
Radio receivers; Радиоприемные устройства;
CAD of radio systems; САПР радиосистем;
Signals and processes in radio engineering; Сигналы и процессы в радиотехнике;
Radio communication systems; Системы радиосвязи;
Digital television systems; Системы цифрового телевидения;
Radar and navigation systems; Навигационные системы;
Systems of radio location and radio navigation; Системы радиолокации и радионавигации
Modern telecommunication systems; Современные системы телекоммуникаций;
Digital signal processing; Цифровая обработка сигналов;
Digital devices. Цифровые устройства.
Radio control systems; Системы радиоуправления;


Системы технической защиты информации  |Systems of  technical information security

Information security in computerized means of transmission, reception, preservation, processing; Защита информации в компьютеризированных средствах передачи, приема, хранения, обработки информации;
Development and use of software and hardware automation systems for information security; Разработка и использование программных и аппаратных средств автоматизированных систем защиты информации;
Protection of restricted information in computer systems and networks; Защита информации ограниченного доступа в компьютерных системах и сетях;
Digital signal processing; Цифровая обработка сигналов;
Cryptography; Криптография;
Steganography; Стеганография;
Development of software and hardware complex technical information security; Разработка программно-аппаратных средств технического комплексной защиты информации;
Expert evaluation of the technical complex information security. Экспертная оценка уровня технического комплексной защиты информации.