Power engineering |Eнергетикa (IЕ)
Read and Write! |Читати і Писати!
Speaking! |Mовлення, говорити!
Listen and Pronounce! |Слухати і Bимовляти!
Train the Pronunciation, memorize Phrases and Summary rendering of the Article
of the Day!
Тренуйте вимову, запам’ятовуйте Фрази та стислий переказ тексту
Cатті дня!:
Enter the text, choose a voice and click "Play" to listen.
|Введіть ваш текст, виберіть голос і натисніть кнопку «Play», щоб прослухати.
Read, memorize Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary and write a review of what you read.
Прочитати, запам’яти Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary і написати відгук на прочитане.
Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!
English Only!
How to...
Topics for the Graduate Exam
101 Ecology Background of ecology. Population-community view of ecology. Process-functional approach in ecology. The outer layer of our planet. How and where did life originated. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Roles of Organisms in an Ecosystem. Pollution and Pollutants. Health Effects of Pollution. Abiotic Ecological Factors. Biotic Ecological Factors. The Concept of Carrying Capacity. Management Standards and Systems. Types of Fuels. Types of Pollutants. Gaseous Emissions Control. Particulate Emissions Control. Physical Processes Used in Water Pollution Control. Chemical Treatment Processes. Biological Water Pollution Control Methods. 104 Physics and Astronomy Nuclear physics. Rutherford’s team discovers the nuclei. The Rutherford’s model of the atom. The first significant theory of the strong force. The modern model of the atom. The science of particle physics. Liquid-drop model. Shell model. Nuclear decay. Chain reaction. The process of alpha decay. Nuclear power plants Modern theoretical and experimental research in particle physics. Fundamental particles. The Standard Model. The species of gauge bosons. The fundamental particles of nature. String theory. The Large Hadron Collider. The International Linear Collider. 143 Nuclear Power Plants Fuel and moderator. History of power plant. Heat removal. Reactor coolants. Fluid flow and hydrodynamics. Thermal stress. Types of moderators. Transmutation of nonfissionable materials to fissionable materials. Coolant system components. Core design. Control of nuclear power plant. Reactor application. Fission reactors. How a nuclear reactor works. Nuclear Fuels. Reactor byproduct. Fusion Reactors. Production of heat in nuclear reactor. Passive nuclear safety. Power plant and environment protection. 144 Thermal Engineering Heat Sources for Generating Steam. Boiler for use in various processes or heating applications. Water-tube boiler applications. Superheated Steam Boilers. Subcritical Boiler. Supercritical Steam Generators. Contemporary Supercritical Steam Generators. Heat-Recovery Steam Generators. Hydronic Boilers. Architecture of the Boiler. Operating Mode of the Boiler. Process of Steam Production. Process of Coal Combustion. Pressurized Water – Steam System. Process of Steam Condensing. Heating the Boiler Feed-Water and the Air Heater. The Cooling-Water Pumping Station. Architecture of Turbo Generator. Generator's Auxiliary systems. Primary Type of Fuel Used Today.
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Your last name. Group. Surname of the Lecturer! - this is the name of the photo.
Ваше Прізвище. Група. Прізвище викладача! - це ім'я фото
▼Make Test results photo. |Зробіть фото результатів тесту.
Specialty Topics
Атомная энергетика |Nuclear Power Plants
Information technology and programming
Engineering Thermodynamics
Heat and mass exchange
Basics of Automation
Nuclear and neutron physics
Exchange equipment
Nuclear Power Reactors
Protection against ionizing radiation
Теплоэнергетика |Thermal Engineering
Thermal and nuclear power plants; Тепловые и атомные электростанции;
Turbines of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants; Турбины ТЕС и АЭС;
Steam and gas turbines; Паровые и газовые турбины;
Heat engines and thermal power plants and nuclear power plants; Тепловые двигатели ТЕС и АЭС;
Boilers and combustion chambers; Котлы и камеры сгорания;
Theory of combustion of fossil fuels; Теория горения органического топлива;
Fuel and heat generating plants; Топливо и теплогенерирующие установки;
Boiler and boiler installations of small capacity; Котловые и бойлерные установки малой мощности;
Source of heating networks and their regimes; Источники теплоснабжения, сети, и их режимы;
Energy conservation; Энергосбережение;
Energy conservation and audits; Энергосбережение и аудит;
Modeling and study of the processes in the heat; Моделирование и исследование процессов в теплоэнергетике;
Физика ядра |Physics of the nucleus Nuclear and elementary particles;
Физика ядра и элементарных частиц;
Quantum theory; Квантовая теория;
Spectrometry; Спектрометрия;
Dosimeter; Дозиметрия
Methods of Mathematical Physics; Методы математической физики;
Quantum fields and fundamental interactions; Квантовые поля и фундаментальные взаимодействия;
Nuclear Methods research materials; Ядерно-физические методы исследования вещества;
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics; Термодинамика и статистическая физика;
Synergetics and physics systems; Синергетика и физика систем;
Detectors of ionizing radiation; Детекторы ионизирующего излучения;
Nuclear and Radiation Safety. Ядерная и радиационная безопасность.