Computer Systems |Комп'ютерні системи (IКС)


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English Only!

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Oral summary rendering of the text is a must! | Усний стислий переказ тексту

Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!
|Усний стислий переказ тексту
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Listen and Pronounce! |Слухати і Bимовляти!

Train the Pronunciation, memorize Phrases and  Summary rendering of the Article of the Day!
Тренуйте вимову, запам’ятовуйте  Фрази та стислий переказ тексту Cатті дня!:

Enter the text, choose a voice and click "Play" to listen.
|Введіть ваш текст, виберіть голос і натисніть кнопку «Play», щоб прослухати.

Read, memorize Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary and write a review of what you read.

Прочитати, запам’яти Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary і написати відгук на прочитане.

Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!

English Only!

How to...

Final Test paper |Контрольна робота випускного іспиту.

#3 Exam Task Sample  |Приклад екзаменаційнго завдання №3
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(Фамилия. Группа.  Фамилия преподавателя - это имя фото)
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#2 Exam Task |Eкзаменаційнe завдання №2
Graduate Exam
Specialty Topics | Tеми випускного іспиту за фахом
Oral summary rendering of the text is a must! |Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |
English Only! Тільки англійська!
Share it as a link in Your post in the GuestBook!
#1 Exam Task |Eкзаменаційнe завдання №1
Specialty Text Summarizing 
|Складання анотації, короткого викладу тексту за фахом
Make Test results photo. |Сделайте фото результатов теста
(Фамилия. Группа.  Фамилия преподавателя - это имя фото)
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Explore Graduate Exam Topics | Ознайомтеся з темами випускного іспиту


Talk about the topic concepts (100 words).
|Створення аудіозапису переказа текстa є обов'язковим!
English Only!
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©Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.
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Topics for the Graduate Exam

151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies

Development of the information science.
Use of computers.
Types of software.
The development of hardware.
Ways of searching and retrieval of information.
Functions of OS.
Computer-aided software engineering.  
Systems engineering and its phases.
Computer simulation.  
Cable television systems.
Virtual reality.
Fiber optics. 
Types of architectures of a computer network.
Differenet processes of transmitting signals.
Memory storage units.   
Data transmission
Different graphics formats.  
Types of databases 
Computer programming 

121 Software engineering

Language paradigm categories. 
Extreme Programming. 
A universal memory device. 
Software expertise. 
The computer technology in the criminal cases of financial-banking sphere. 
Tactics of search of the computer information. 
Software expertise. 
Multi-paradigm programming. 
Genetic Programming. 
Phases of system programming.
Software failures.
Increasing demand for software engineering.
Generic and customized product.
Difference between professional and amateur software development.
Computing cloud.
Four fundamental activities of software engineering.
Plan-driven and agile processes.
Waterfall model.
Principal stages of waterfall model.

122 Computer science

Software industry. 
The importance of system software for computer operation. 
What do we need the operating system for? 
A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
The development of Windows versions 
Antivirus programs.
The evolution of operating system. 
Device drivers. 
History of kernel development. 
History of programming.
Quality and reliability of software.
History of computer software.   
Trusted operating systems.
The invention and development of operating systems.
What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?
The development of Windows versions.
LINUX embedded devices-smart phones, mobile phones, digital video recorder etc.
What is Word processing.
The evolution of operating system.
Systems programming as the activity of programming system software.
113 Applied Mathematics
Applied mathematics today. 
New areas of mathematics.
McDonnell Douglas Corporation.  
The C-17 Globemaster.
The Euler-Lagrange system 
Nonlinear programming (NLP) algorithm. 
Origin of colour. 
C++ discrete event. 
Neuroscience and Maths.
T-Storms on the TeraGrid.
Global search.
Program theories.
Discrete mathematics and its applications.
Basic topics in discrete mathematics.
Mathematical and formal logic.
Mathematical logic and computer science.
Set theory.
Numerical mathematical programming.
Object-oriented analysis and design.
Practical problem analysis. 

123 Computer engineering

Engineering and computer graphics.
Fundamentals of programming.
Fundamentals of algorithmic languages.
Object Oriented Programming.
Languages of machine oriented programming.
System programming. 
Operating systems.
High level languages.
Programming technology. 
Creation of software product.
Software engineering.
Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC).
Web Programming. 
Global computer networks.
Computer circuit engineering.
Computer Architecture.
Principal tasks of electronic circuit engineering.
Static technologies.
Reverse engineering.
Language processors.

126 Information systems and technologies

Ñomputer software. 
System software. 
Operating system 
Common operating systems (MS-DOS and WINDOWS).
Common operating systems (MACINTOSH, OS\2 Warp, UNIX,LINUX, OPEN VMS). 
System Utilities Programs. 
What is a User Interface? 
Device drivers and interrupts. 
The system kernel. 
Software engineering. 
Phases of system programming.
Software industry.
Quality and reliability of software.
The importance of system software for computer operation.
The invention and development of operating systems.
What do we need the operating system for?
The development of Windows versions.
Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds, creators of Linux.
Antivirus programs.
The evolution of operating system.



Click and listen!
Your last name. Group. Surname of the Lecturer! - this is the name of the photo.

Ваше Прізвище. Група. Прізвище викладача! - це ім'я фото

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Створення аудіозапису переказа текстa є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must. 100 words of the text only, not more!

Specialty Topics

Programming Программирование;
Web-design;    WEB-дизайн;
Database management systems;  Системы управления базами данных;
Engineering and Computer Graphics;    Инженерная и компьютерная графика;
Structural organization and architecture of computer systems;   Структурная организация и архитектура компьютерных систем;


System software;  Системное программное обеспечение;
Information theory and coding; Теория информации и кодирования;
Analog and digital circuit engineering;  Аналоговая и цифровая схемотехника;
Designing of microprocessor-based systems;  Проектирование микропроцессорных систем;
Signal and image processing;  Обработка сигналов и изображений;

Networks;  Компьютерные сети



Engineering and computer graphics;
Fundamentals of programming and algorithmic languages (Pascal, C / C etc);
Object-oriented programming (C, C #, Java, etc.);
Languages of machine oriented programming;
System programming and operating systems;
Programming technology and the creation of software products;
Programming in global computer networks (HTML, PHP, etc.);
Computer circuit engineering;
Computer architecture;
Information theory and coding;
Systems modeling and systems analysis;
Methods and tools for computing to information technology;
Multimedia technology;
Organization of data and knowledge bases;
Methods and tools for information security;
Design Basics artificial intelligence systems;
Pattern Recognition and neuronal net technology;
Engineering management and project management