Chemical technology and Pharmacy |Хімічна технологія та фармація (IХТФ)
Read and Write! |Читати і Писати!
Speaking! |Mовлення, говорити!
Listen and Pronounce! |Слухати і Bимовляти!
Train the Pronunciation, memorize Phrases and Summary rendering of the Article
of the Day!
Тренуйте вимову, запам’ятовуйте Фрази та стислий переказ тексту
Cатті дня!:
Enter the text, choose a voice and click "Play" to listen.
|Введіть ваш текст, виберіть голос і натисніть кнопку «Play», щоб прослухати.
Read, memorize Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary and write a review of what you read.
|Прочитати, запам’яти Phrases and Articles of the Day Summary і написати відгук на прочитане.
Створення аудіозапису є обов'язковим! |Oral summary rendering of the text is a must!
English Only!
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Topics for the Graduate Exam
161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering Specialization: : Chemical technology of organic substances Organic structure theory. Pharmaceutical industry. Description and nomenclature of organic substances. The differences between inorganic and organic chemistry. Molecular structural arrangement in organic substances. Hydrocarbons and functional groups. Aliphatic compounds. Classification of compounds of organic compounds. Functional groups. Aromatic and alicyclic compounds. Polymers. The role of carbon in organic compounds. Organic solvents. Molecular structure elucidation of organic compounds. The methods for deducing the structure of organic compounds. Organic reactions. Synthetic organic chemistry. Organic chemistry in our life. The chemical constitution of cellulose. Sulphur and Phosphorous. Oxygen. 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering Specialization: : Chemical technology of inorganic substances Inorganic chemistry. Classes of inorganic compounds. The simplest organic reaction. Acid-base chemistry. Subdivisions of inorganic chemistry. Different types of compounds. Classical coordination compounds. Main group compounds. Transition metal compounds. Organometallic compounds. Cluster compounds. Bioinorganic compounds in nature and industry. Solid state compounds as superconductor. Theoretical inorganic chemistry. Molecular orbital theory, ligand field theory and density functional theory. Crystal field theory. Group Theory. Mechanistic and Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry. Synthetic inorganic chemistry. Characterization of inorganic compounds. 226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy Pharmacy and pharmacists. Three primary disciplines of Pharmacy. History of pharmacy. Types of pharmacy practice areas. Community pharmacy. Hospital pharmacy. Clinical pharmacy. Compounding pharmacy. Internet pharmacy. Separation of prescribing from dispensing. The future of pharmacy. Pharmacology. Divisions. Pharmacology. Scientific background. Medicine development and safety testing. Subdisciplines of pharmacology. Drug legislation and safety. The Medicines and Healthcare products. Ethno pharmacology. Issues of Phytotherapy. Constituents and Drug Synergism. Herb and Drug Interactions. Natural products chemistry.
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Ваше Прізвище. Група. Прізвище викладача! - це ім'я фото
▼Make Test results photo. |Зробіть фото результатів тесту.
Specialty Topics
Chemical technology of inorganic substances Химические технологии неорганических веществ
Monitoring and control of chemical technological processes Контроль и управление химико-технологическими процессами
Theoretical Foundations of Technology of Inorganic industry Теоретические основы технологии неорганических производств
Design Basics of chemical apparatus Основы конструирования химических аппаратов
The technology of combined nitrogen Технология связанного азота
The technology of mineral fertilizers and salts Технология минеральных удобрений и солей
Fundamentals of Information Technology Основы информационных технологий
Mathematical modeling and computer application in chemical engineering Математическое моделирование и применение ЭВМ в химической технологии
Equipment of industry and principles of design Оборудование отрасли и основы проектирования
Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis Аналитическая химия и инструментальные методы анализа
Physical chemistry Физическая химия
Processes and equipment of chemical plants Процессы и аппараты химических производств
General chemical technology Общая химическая технология
Chemical technology of organic substances Химические технологии органических
Mathematical modeling and the use of computers in chemical engineering Математическое моделирование и применение ЭВМ в химической технологии
The theory of chemical-engineering processes Теория химико-технологических процессов
Chemistry and technology of organic substances Химия и технология органических веществ
Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis Технология основного органического и нефтехимического синтеза
Equipment of industries of organic synthesis Оборудование производств органического синтеза
Equipment of plants of oil processing Оборудование установок переработки нефти
Industrial biotechnology Промышленная биотехнология
Methods of automated calculations and optimization Методы автоматизированных расчетов и оптимизации
The latest technologies of organic synthesis Новейшие технологии органического синтеза